Khloe’s inspiring weight loss show ‘Revenge Body’ is back, and Khloe is sharing 7 health hacks that helped her lose weight and get fit!

Khloe Kardashian, 33, is the ultimate fitness inspiration, after dedicating her life to getting in shape, and now she is helping others get happier and healthier with her show Revenge Body. Revenge Body‘s second season just premiered on January 7, and it’s totally inspiring! She’s sharing her get-healthy hacks on her app. “When you’re trying to get in shape and change bad habits, small adjustments can make a big difference,” Khloe said. “Most of all, remember to keep giving yourself positive motivation and feedback!” Here are her 7 top tips!

“1. Set and hourly alarm as a reminder to drink water! This will help you “drink your height” in ounces of water per day (if you’re five feet tall, you need 60 ounces — one for every inch). Or, what I do with my friends is we kind of make it a game. Whoever drinks a gallon of water a day first wins. We’ve never really established what we win, LOL, but we send pictures of our progress throughout the day.”

“2. Trick yourself into working out. Always take the stairs. Park at the outermost edges of the parking lot. If you take the bus or train, get off a stop early.
3. Hit the grocery store with a full stomach. You’ll be more inclined to make healthy choices.
4. If you can’t live without a few cocktails, stick to vodka and sodas. Everything else is sugary AF!”

“5. Drink hot water before every meal. It increases your metabolic rate.
6. Eat mindfully. Sit at an actual table, don’t multitask — and savor the taste of the food.
7. Bring snacks on the road. I like to leave fruit or sliced apples in my purse for when I’m at games or on airplanes. It helps me from eating crappy food that I just don’t need.”


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