For those with fair skin with a yellow undertone, go for shades that pop, like pinks or berries, avoid orange.
For those with a pale undertone, opt for oranges and tomato red. Avoid poppy pinks. You can also pick deep shades of burgundy or marsala.
For those with dusky skin tones, go for plain shades, like a solid red or a solid pink. Avoid pastels.
For darker olive skin tones, wear colors that are deeper like a plum or a magenta. Take advantages of your beautiful skin tone and color your lips accordingly. This will balance the roundess of your face.
How to Apply blush to round face shapes

Adding blush to your cheeks are definitely a way to draw attention to your cheeks. For women with round face, the trick is to apply blush without making your cheeks look full and voluminous. This makes your cheeks look round and give a well defined shape to your cheeks, a look which we are trying to avoid.

While applying blush, instead of going in round circular motion, move your strokes in a diagonal manner, away from the regular cheek contours which will give a new shape to your cheeks altogether, and give you a slight slimming effect without doing any contouring or highlighting. The only makeup trick is to apply blush like you would normally do contouring. This will give a longitudinal effect to your cheeks and elongate your cheek bones without going through the hassle of contour and highlight.

While choosing blush, choose wisely. Do not go overboard with the quantity you apply. Once you swirl your brush into the blush powder, shake off the excess by tapping it off and the product you have left is all that you need to apply on your cheeks. Anything excess will make you look like a clown.

Also, remember that while applying the blush on to your cheeks, do not dab it or press it into your skin. Pressing the blush on to your skin will dislodge your product and give a very blotchy feel to your skin. Instead, gently stroke it on your skin and be very gentle. It has to be built layer by layer, rather than applying all the product at once.
Be Proud of Your Facial Features:

In case you noticed, I have not mentioned heavy contouring or using highlighters of any kind. Why? Because we don’t need them. Why spend so much on make up when you make a difference with what you already have. C’mon, no amount of make up is actually going to make us “beautiful”. Why do we HAVE TO compare ourselves with people who put on 10 layers of make up before stepping out (because, paparazzi)? Stop! You are beautiful, I am beautiful, we all are. Don’t pray for something you don’t have. You have everything that you need.

Remember, this post on makeup tips for round face girls is not made to make you feel a certain way or set standards as to how you are supposed to look. You are a strong independent woman who has the power to make her own decisions and do whatever the hell she wants. Be proud of what you have, how you are. Do not underestimate yourself and do not forget, your worst enemy is you. So start loving yourself, you truly are beautiful, you are complete.

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