You’re definitely not ready for this. The actress behind ‘Blade Runner 2049’s villainess, Luv, has just revealed that she used Taylor Swift as a major inspiration to get into character.
Sylvia Hoeks, 34, just dropped a major Blade Runner 2049 bombshell that no one saw coming: her character was inspired by none other than Taylor Swift, 27. “I looked at big celebrities, big singers, who are younger girls, like Taylor Swift or Selena Gomez,” Sylvia told Bustle in a recent interview while discussing what helped her understand and get into character as Luv. “[These people] who have big platforms and have to have certain control in their life, because every little second of their day is probably somebody making a picture of them or putting them in the media. So their whole life kind of happens virtually.”
Luv, the villain in Blade Runner 2049, may not have paparazzi following her around 24/7, but she does have Jared Leto‘s Niander Wallace surveilling her every move. Luv is ultimately controlled by Niander, her creator, and without spoiling anything it sends her down a pretty disturbing path. As a replicant who is trying to do her job and do it well, as well as be her own person and find her own way, it’s easy to see the similarities between her and Sylvia’s inspirations, like Taylor. While the character Luv wasn’t written based off of Taylor or Selena, we love that Sylvia not only used the young artists as inspiration but was very open about it. And the best part? Sylvia doesn’t claim to have taken any particular personality traits from the young girls, so the “villain” aspect is not a reflection of them as individuals.

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